还在按F8进入windows 安全模式吗,你out了,有一个款软件可以帮你快速重启直接进入模式——BootSafe。
根据自己需要选择相应项后点击Reboot(重启),系统便重启进入相应的系统了。当你不需要进入安全模式时再次运行本程序,选择Normal Restart点击Reboot便可以进入正常系统了。
Normal Restart: Restart your computer in Normal mode. All drivers and files are loaded as usual.
Safe Mode - Minimal: Restart your computer in Safe mode with no network or Internet access. Only a minimal set of drivers are loaded to start Windows.
Safe Mode - Networking: Restart your computer in Safe mode WITH network and/or Internet access. Only a minimal set of drivers are loaded to start Windows.
Safe Mode - Directory Services Repair: Restart your computer in Safe mode and allows repair of Active Directory services. Only a minimal set of drivers are loaded to start Windows.
安全模式 - 目录服务修复:重启系统进入允许修复活动目录服务的安全模式。仅部分驱动在启动Windows的时候被加载。